Where You’re Going To Eat After Lockdown

After a little prompting your replies have come in thick and fast with where you’re going to go and eat once lockdown permits. Space doesn’t permit mention of all of them, and in some cases initials have been changed for reasons of modesty. You’ll see why.

A lot of you have been pining for your local Indian or Chinese. In the former category, some established Fife places were name checked, including the Amritsar and Prince, in Kirkcaldy, and Jahangir in St Andrews.  BG recommended the first three plus a couple of Chinese favourites, Ping On in Edinburgh and Maxin in Kirkcaldy. He then reflected that he might need to arrange a loan first. Some of you were very specific indeed as to what you would eat. Not only will JH be at Dumplings of China in Edinburgh, but she’ll be ordering the Rainbow Dumplings.

Perhaps surprisingly, Italian got only one mention but MH even sent a photo of his heart’s desire, Rigatoni alla Norcina at La Piazza Edinburgh.

Rigatoni alla Norcina

A couple of you are heading directly to the pub. HC describes the steak pie at The Orchard in Edinburgh as legendary. It’s handy for the Botanic Gardens, so he can walk it off afterwards. Our chums south of the border are in the fortunate position of getting out earlier than we can. GS already has his outside table booked at The Rose and Crown, in Ealing.  RM too will be off to the pub, but for a slightly different reason. He wrote, I can't wait to head back into London and have a pint at the Yorkshire Grey (no website) in Langham St, London, just round the corner from the BBC's Broadcasting House. Not because the beer or food is particularly good, but because it's where a gaggle of old media lags gather every quarter in honour of the late, much loved Radio 4 newsreader Peter Donaldson. Peter would always head for Studio YG1, as it was known, after a news reading shift where the great and good of Radio would join him to share stories, laughter and drinks. I met Peter a couple of times. Lovely guy.

Two of your number had excellent taste, expressing a wish to dine out with me. A gold star to each of RC and KL. In the case of the latter, K and I have twice had to postpone a lunch at Aurora in Leith. Third time lucky.

Fish was popular. CB intends to brave the 45 minute queues at the Pittenweem Chip Shop, and take a single fish to eat at the harbour. As he says, food heaven for less than a fiver! The fish platter at Bar Di-Vin in Edinburgh’s West End rated two mentions, from CM and FG. The Ship on the Shore in Leith also was cited twice, by AS and JS. Quite fortunate, as they are husband and wife. They’d do well on Mr & Mrs. Rather better, perhaps, than Mr CT and Mrs CT. Mr is a fan of Peat Inn in Fife, while Mrs favours Craig Millar in St Monans. Guess where they’re booked into – and it’s not Peat Inn. The fish offering suggested by JT of Norfolk sounds amazing, the fresh mixed platter at the Sole Bay Fish Company, near Southwold. She does warn that you need a car load of chums to help out, which failing the fish and chips (see photo above) with a pint of Adnams is recommended.

I suspect fish may be on our own menu. Sadly, two of our old favourites won’t be reopening. The third regular haunt is Fishers in the City in Edinburgh’s Thistle Street. Despite a regularly changing menu full of goodies, we tend to order fish and chips for me, and fish curry for L. And when they're allowed to sell alcohol, a bottle of good white Burgundy.

London recommendations to bear in mind for a trip to the capital include Corbin & King’s Brasserie Zedel, or Kiln in Soho's Brewer Street. Thanks to gal about town PMcK-S for those. Here in Auld Reekie, PR is looking forward to steak frites at Cote, or boeuf Bourguignon at L’escargot bleu.

But for sheer unashamed hedonism, the last word must go to BB. I can do no better than quote her email in full.

  1.  I’m going to the Ivy for breakfast and having their poached eggs with avocado on their special bread with coriander seeds. And as soon as Nicola permits it-
  2.  I’m going to Educated Flea for dinner and having huge quantities of something lovely from their wine list. Maybe some food too. 
  3. Then I’m going the following week to the Ivy and having either their burger or fish cakes, preceded by whatever cocktail has the Malfy blood orange gin in it, and a bottle of rosé champagne. (The latter all to myself.)

I have to tell you that B is but a slip of a lassie. B, I said, I had no idea you were such a dipso. Och, she replied, Nicola’s driving me to drink.


  1. Liz on 9th April 2021 at 3:08 pm

    Oh I love this. Lots of good suggestions…but I still think mine are outstanding in their perfection. That wonderful moment at the end of Ice Cold in Alex… times three.


  2. Lesley on 9th April 2021 at 6:07 pm

    Great stuff, let’s hope it is not too long before everyone’s desires are fulfilled

  3. Fiona Garwood on 11th April 2021 at 11:11 pm

    Roll on the opportunities!!

  4. Robert Corrigan on 12th April 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Brilliant replies. 👍🍴🍷🍷🍷

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