Diets: The Wee Fat Lawyer Revisited

In June and July we published 15 articles aimed at helping you to lose weight and keep it off. On The Side featured, in five instalments, The Wee Fat Lawyer's Diet Book. For the first time ever, Tom Cooks! had two columns a week, The Wee Fat Lawyer's A - Z of Food and Recipes from The Wee Fat Lawyer's Cookbook.

I was proud of having lost fifteen percent of body weight since I was at my very worst. I was also well aware that, having gone public with this, I was setting myself up for a fall. I know that a good few of you were inspired to join me at the outset. So how have we all got on? You first.

No? You want to hear from me? OK.

I was never sure of my ultimate goal, but through the summer and autumn I was quite happy. My waist band didn't strain. No one was coming up and patting my tummy, asking when it was due. In other words, a plateau, but a reasonably satisfactory one. Christmas can be a dangerous time for all of us. This one came and went with no drama. Then January and February. Ah.

I blame myself. These have been danger months in the past. The increase in 2021 was what sparked this whole set of blogs in the first place. The foul weather made going out for a walk a thoroughly unpleasant experience, and increased the temptation to cook hearty, filling meals. And to compound it, I'd got out of the habit of regular weigh-ins. Next thing I knew, 10 out of the 17 lost pounds seemed to have been rediscovered. To mark the anniversary of the birth of The Wee Fat Lawyer's Diet Book, instead of anniversary bells, alarm bells were ringing. I hope that didn't happen to you, but if it did, help is at hand.

The good news seems to be that once you have got down to a certain base weight, it seems to be easier to get back there than to dig down to it for the first time. So I'm pleased to tell you that we are back to our best ever, weight-wise*. Better still, there is a new push on which, with luck and a little effort, will achieve even better results. It's the spring, when these things are a bit simpler, not least because of the availability of less calorific foods.

If you fancy trying to lose a little girth, go to the search column at the top of the page and key in wee fat lawyer. That'll give you a link to all the articles. And just remember the basic principles-

  • Burn up more calories than you consume and you WILL lose weight.
  • Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate, set a daily calorie target and record everything you consume.
  • Set a realistic weight loss goal and write it down and/or share it with a friend.
  • Understand your own daily rhythms and organise your eating patterns so you are never hungry.
  • Weigh in regularly, at the same time each day, using the same scales. AND FINALLY
  • Contact Tom's Food! to tell me how well you've done.

Good luck - if I can do it. so can you.


*This was true when written. After a week away spent doing a lot of research for Tome Eats! a few pounds have crept on - but they will be banished soon.


  1. Janet Hood on 20th April 2022 at 5:48 pm

    Tom, I have been following the original eat less walk more and cutting back seriously on carbs and fat.
    Lost 12 lbs managed to put on 6 on hols. Aarrrrgh!

    Back on Monday so will restart then.


    • Tom Johnston on 21st April 2022 at 6:25 am

      Look on the positive – 6lbs down. I find that when you’ve got down to a certain level it’s easier to get back down than to find new depths, as it were. Hope you enjoyed the hols. I’ve been in London researching for Tom Eats! – the things I do for you – and have a couple of family meals in Glasgow, so I need to get back on the straight and narrow too.

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