Wendy Barrie’s Farmor’s Panbiff

I think this may be a first for Tom's Food! I'm certain we have had featured guests in On The Side who have provided recipes for Tom Cooks!: but never ever in the same week has Tom Eats! reviewed a restaurant from the same family. A hat trick for Wendy Barrie. Hold the front page!

On Wednesday we read about the Scotland Food Guide: today, Tom Eats! reviews Hendersons owned by son Barrie Henderson, and to cap it all, cook extraordinaire Wendy has kindly provided this week's recipe. Wendy's husband Bosse is a Swedish farmer. This is an intriguing  Swedish take on a burger.

Confused by the name? Wendy explains, that’s farmor – not farmer – literally meaning ‘father’s mother’ so this is my Swedish mother-in-law’s recipe and a very popular dish at family mealtimes.


350g Highland beef mince; 1tbsp rolled oats; 1 beaten egg; 75g mature farmhouse cheese, sliced thinly; 1tbsp chopped chives; 2 slices boiled ham; 1 onion, peeled & cut in chunky rings; 200ml single cream; rapeseed oil; salt & milled pepper (come on, Wendy, would Tom Cooks! readers use any other kind?)


In a bowl, mix together the mince, egg, chives and oats. Season well. Divide the mixture into 12 flattened patties. Evenly share the cheese and ham on six of the patties. Place the remaining six on top and shape, sealing in the ham and cheese to make 6 burgers.

Heat a decent drizzle of oil in a large frying pan and brown patties on both sides, adding onion rings to cook and caramelize.

Reduce heat to medium and cook for a further 5 minutes or so to thoroughly cook the burgers. Remove cooked patties and keep warm. Deglaze pan with cream. Simmer, taste and adjust seasoning.

Serves 2-3 with boiled potatoes and seasonal greens.

Janet Hood

I'll find it very odd not receiving a comment from Janet, usually the first to post about Tom Cooks! recipes. If you missed it first time round, you can still see the recording of her cremation service until 13 July. Go to website https://watch.obitus.com. The username is xiro6361, and the PIN is 400262.

1 Comment

  1. Lesley on 21st June 2024 at 5:58 pm

    Dump the chives and the cream and these sound perfect

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