Claire Macdonald’s Sardine and Mushroom Paté

Now don't recoil in horror. I can guarantee three things. Firstly, if it's a Claire Macdonald recipe, it will work, no matter how unlikely the combination of ingredients may sound. Secondly, although there are only three principal ingredients, no one will correctly guess all three. And finally, it is absolutely delicious.

And if it's a recipe which I use a lot (and I do) you can guarantee that it will be simple. Any leftovers will last for three or four days in the fridge.

Once again, my grateful thanks to Lady Claire for giving me permission to reproduce her recipes.

Sardine and Mushroom Paté


85g butter; 225g basic mushrooms, peeled, stalks removed and roughly sliced; 225g full fat cream cheese; 2 x 125g tins of sardines in oil; 2tbsp lemon juice; s & p.


Melt the butter in a frying pan and bring to a bubble.  Cook the mushrooms for a couple of minutes. Drain the oil from the sardines and discard. Transfer all the ingredients to a food processor and blitz together until smooth. Season with pepper and  a little salt. Be careful with the latter, as the sardines are quite salty. Adjust the seasoning to taste - you might want a little more lemon juice. Transfer to a serving dish and chill. Serve with toast or crunchy bread.

Tom Cooks! will be back in a few weeks


  1. Fiona Garwood on 2nd September 2022 at 9:49 pm

    Thanks . Guess you’re having a well earned break, to say nothing of the chorister!

    • Tom Johnston on 8th September 2022 at 3:26 pm

      Not a break as in away, just a change of routine.

  2. on 3rd September 2022 at 1:40 am

    Sounds too good to be true!

    • Tom Johnston on 8th September 2022 at 3:26 pm

      See Michael’s comment above. It is simple and utterly wonderful – a bit like me.

  3. Michael Greenlaw on 3rd September 2022 at 10:59 pm

    Short and (not) sweet recipe this week Tom.
    Less is more as the old adage goes.
    I can vouch for the tastiness of this recipe and for my inability to guess all three ingredients.
    It is a winner.

    • Tom Johnston on 8th September 2022 at 3:25 pm

      Listen to this man. He knows his food.

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