Chef Watch – Craig Millar @16 West End, St Monans


Featuring Craig Millar, Chef proprietor of Craig Millar @16 West End, St Monans, Fife

How long have you been a chef?

I have been a chef (including college) for 33years

Why did you become a chef?

I always say I became a chef as a matter of survival as my Mum was never the best at cooking but it is something I’ve always been interested in. I was almost in the Army catering corp but was advised that if I went to college first I’d be fast tracked through promotion.

Favourite ingredient

Favourite ingredient is probably seafood as I still get excited going through the morning deliveries.

Favourite or signature dish

Don’t really have a favourite signature dish but we always get a really great response for our twice baked cheese soufflé and our shellfish and coconut broth.

Favourite kitchen tool or equipment (apart from sharp knives)

Favourite piece of equipment has to be my thermomix, ended up buying 2 of them as there is always a queue to use them.

Food hero(es)

A couple of food heroes. Raymond Blanc as he has been around at the top for years and the number of very talented chefs that he has trained is phenomenal. Also a friend of mine Simon Bonwick who I worked with over 30 years ago he has put so much blood, sweat and tears into the industry and is finally over the past few years getting the recognition that he deserves.

Any food you can’t/won’t eat

I absolutely detest raw celery. I’ve tried to like it several times as I love the idea of eating it but just can’t!

Comfort food/guilty secret

Guilty secret would be stealing the kids’ sugar laden breakfast cereals as a snack after a busy dinner service.

Stupidest customer or kitchen experience

Recently with the current Covid restrictions we’ve have a couple of interesting reviews, one customer complained that the front of house team wearing face masks made the service feel impersonal and another felt that we should have some background music on to add a bit of atmosphere!


Craig is regarded as one of Fife's foremost chefs. His eponymous restaurant in St Monans has been earning rave reviews and a loyal following for many years. Click here to find out more. And speaking of rave reviews, don't miss Tom Eats! this Friday





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